About Us
Euna Asia is the first London based MGA dedicated to the Asian markets, trading with local Asian clients and brokers on a wholesale basis. We are an independent MGA with focused insurance/reinsurance professionals with over 35 years’ Asian experience. Our dedicated underwriting teams are leaders in their field with close relationships with clients and underwriting partners.
Our vision is to provide our Asian clients with an alternative gateway to the London Market, whilst providing our underwriting partners access to a strong Asian distribution at a lower cost.
Euna Asia is part of the Epsilon Group of companies

- Established in 2007
- Employing 40+ staff in 3 offices with its head office in London
- Clients in over 40 countries
- Handling USD120,000,000 in premiums (2018)
- Registered and Approved Lloyd’s Coverholder
- FCA registered and approved group of companies
Products handled by Eunaasia Underwriting.

USD 10,000,000

Accident & Health
USD 30,000,000

Yachts / Superyachts
USD 30,000,000

Medical Malpractice
USD 10,000,000

Renewable Energy
up to 60% of TSI
Epsilon Group Insurance and Reinsurance Capabilities
Group products accessed via Eunaasia Underwriting.
- Construction & Engineering
- Political Risks
- Treaty Reinsurance
- Casualty
- Products Liability
- Environmental Impairment Liability
- Umbrella Liability
- Marine (including war)
- Shipyards
- Healthcare
- Sports & Entertainment
- Kidnap & Ransom
- Loss of License
Interested in more information?
Contact us to discuss any of our product lines.

- Experienced claims management team
- Providing full claims handling service
- All claims electronically transacted
- Fast claims advice and settlement systems
- Access to Adjusters tailored to service all claims
Contact Us
- Euna Asia Ltd
2 America Square
- Jeremy Austen – Chief Underwriting Officer
Euna Asia Limited are an Appointed Representative of ES Risks Limited who are regulated and authorised by the Financial Conduct Authority. ES Risks is part of the Epsilon Group of Companies.